Tuesday, December 1, 2009

World AIDS Day 2009

Good morning everyone!

How are you? It's a beautiful day in Sunny South, FL. Anyways, today is World AIDS Day.

Therefore, I feel it's only appropriate to discuss the topic of AIDS and how we as people can help. Now, I'm pretty sure everyone has heard of AIDS therefore I'm going to provide a brief overview of what it is.

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a disease of the human immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).This condition progressively causes our immune system to work in an uneffective manner and leaves individuals prone to getting opportunistic infections and tumors. HIV is transmitted through direct contact of a mucous membrane or the bloodstream with a bodily fluid containing HIV, such as blood, semen, vaginal fluid, preseminal fluid, and breast milk.

This transmission can involve anal, vaginal or oral sex, blood transfusion, contaminated hypodermic needles, exchange between mother and baby during pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding or other exposure to one of the above bodily fluids.

AIDS is a pandemic. In 2007, it was estimated that 33.2 million people lived with the disease worldwide, and that AIDS killed an estimated 2.1 million people, including 330,000 children. Over three-quarters of these deaths occurred in sub-Saharan Africa, retarding economic growth and destroying human capital.

With that being said, it's evident that AIDS is a major problem in today's society. I believe that it is very important that we as people come together and educate one another of the dangers of this disease and emphasize the importance of prevention (i.e. sexual education w/ emphasis on the proper use of condoms, etc.) If these measures are taken, I feel that we will be able to manage this disease and one day possibly eliminate it. Therefore, today I encourage you to talk to your peers and spread knowledge to those in need. The fate of the world rests in the hands of each of us and the more people we educate the more people who will be saved in the long run. Don't you agree?

Check out World's AIDS Day 2009 and learn more about how you can help.

I like to end this post w/ a classic by MJ & friends.

"We are the world, We are the children, We are the ones who make a brighter day so let's start giving."

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